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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Beale Street

When was the last time you went walking in Memphis?
It has been a while for me, but I always love visiting Memphis. Sixteen years ago when my daughter was little, my niece was a young teenager, and I was in the process of selling my other business to do photography full time - there was a memorable trip to Memphis!
I wanted to take the girls for a short trip, but was on a tight budget.  I looked on the internet for a good rate on a hotel - not knowing what parts of the city had which reputations. We arrived at our hotel according to MapQuest, and there was a restaurant right next door. Huhummmm - It said GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, and my precious innocent ones thought it was cool to have a restaurant just for girls. I told them we would probably not eat there, because it was completely crowded, but the food must be good...
By the way, the hotel was fine, and even though my niece was concerned that the Popeye's we ate at had it's own armed guard. I told her it just meant we were even safer because he was there to protect us.
Maybe this was the start of mine, and my daughters laid back attitude to traveling in Central and South America!

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