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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Healing Water - Easter Portrait Special

It is a rare occasion that I do Easter pictures. But this year is different. We are setting up a cute outdoor tented scene in the flowers to create some beautiful images. Session fee is $30 or $20 and a box of single serve powdered drink mix.
But wait, what is different? This year, Easter portraits session fees and portrait sales will go toward buying supplies for Natalia and I to hand out when we make our journey to Tanzania, Africa in exactly two months.
Last week, I spoke with my dear friend, Dena Moore (http://denamoore.wordpress.com/), who is a missionary there. She had sent out a prayer request for her team and her staff. Many of them had been very sick from easily preventable diseases. Dena starting investigating what could be done about it.  What she found out is that although some of them were using water gaurd tablets for drinking water - they could not afford to use it for the water they used to clean their vegetables. So that is a problem we can help with! The transfoming power of clean water is life sustaining.

photo courtesy of Dena Moore

When we arrive in Africa, we will use the Easter Portrait proceeds to go buy basins to wash food in, cups for each person in a family, soap for food washing, water bottles, purification tablets, and water filters.  Each child photographed here will be asked to color a greeting card for a child we are going to meet, and will recieve a photograph from our trip.
So why the drink mixes? Simple - it makes the water taste better. We know kids are kids are kids, and when something tastes better, or "special" they like it more. Dehydration for any child is a dangerous, life threatning problem. And the best part is YOU can help provide these healing waters, and get beautiful portraits of your own healthy and precious child.


  1. This brings tears to my eyes everytime I think about it. The wellness kits are so much more than what can be posted in a few words on a blog. They represent life, healthy life, open door to a "new" life, a door to "an everlasting" life. May each person who steps up to this fun challenge be blessed.
    One of His
    Dena Moore

  2. oh I have a website now too that tells a little more about what we are doing here. www.denamoore.com

  3. Lovely pictures and awesome photography.

    Easter Crafts
