Today was a good day. We slept in, then gathered our clothes to take to a laundry mat. Here it is not do it yourself, wash and dry in a few hours. You take it in and put it in a basket to be weighed. We won't be able to pick it up until tomorrow afternoon. We had breakfast, and good coffee at a little place on the corner. The store keeper was very friendly.We walked down to a big store called "Wongs ". Wong's is like a Wal-Mart, where you can buy just about anything from groceries to mattresses - but no wash clothes. We have not found wash clothes for bathing any where in Peru. Not that I have to have one, but it is something I have noticed - no bath scrunchies either. I fell in love with a set of children's books about different animals from Peru. They are Wong specials - and I will have them before I leave. We then went over to a McDonalds for some chicken nuggets. Yes, I know, go all the way to Peru and then eat at McDonalds - but I was asking Mark to be so far from his comfort zone, a little bit of McDonalds was find. Then over to Parque Amistad. They have a little steam train and it was field trip day for kids about kindergarten age. They were really cute, of course. They also had ducks, geese, koi, normal park stuff. Mark loves churros, so when he saw the churro stand, he had to try one with honey - he liked it. It is also the place were many of the couples get married in their civil ceremonies every week day. Most people have both a civil ceremony and a religious ceremony. There were photographers in the park photographing newlyweds.
I contacted one of my other friends, Flavio, and have made plans to meet up with him on Monday for a tour of downtown Lima by a local.
We went out walking and in and found a little cake place, MarĂes, and had delicious chocolate cake. Not worrying about calories - we walked 11 miles today.

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