Last night was our last night in Peru with our friends, so we went to dinner at a chain restaurant called Norkys. We chose a meal for 5 people that had all kinds of meat - roasted chicken, steak, pork, sausage, anticuchos, and I think, chicken gizzards. Plus salad and fries. It was enough to feed ten people. I had read about anticuchos before, and had made up my mind that I was not going to try them. It is grilled beef heart. I assumed it would taste like liver or tongue, but I was wrong! I did try it and liked it very much. I did skip the gizzards, Giancarlo could best describe them as the stomach of a chicken, and that was more than I could try on a full day of raw fish and a mountain of meat. We said our good byes to The Espinozas with big hugs and kisses with promises to meet again one day. Giancarlo insisted on seeing us to the airport this morning. The most crime against tourists happens in illegal taxis to and from the airport, so I think he was afraid we would get a bad taxi. Also he works close to the airport, so he could just go to work from there. My reservations said our plane left at 6:00, so we got to the airport at 3:30 because we had no traffic. Turns out, the flight was changed to 9:00, so we visited with G until it was time for him to go to work.
At Miami, the "race" part of our trip began. The plane arrived late, we had to go here and there to get through the maze of customs, and the luggage took forever to come out. We have to claim you luggage when you re enter the US. We were cutting it close to catch our flight to Chicago. Mark was in panic mode. We finally got it and quickly got it checked back in, and arrived at our gate minutes before they started boarding. Then off the plane in Chicago to several gates away to catch the next plane. We had 45 minutes and I was starving. I convinced Mark that we could get something at the little Chile's Too across from our gate. He was skeptical, but sat where we could keep a constant eye on the gate. Turns out... The flight was delayed two hours. We finally got to Little Rock at 12:30. We were the last plane in, the only people at the airport. After a stop for coffee to go, we talked about our Amazing Adventure all the way home, where we had two very happy dogs waiting to jump in bed with us.
- The End....until next time

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