I first met Tayler when she came in the eighth grade to job shadow me, then I got to photograph her sister for senior portraits. Tayler was full of questions - which I love! I hate it when I have to drag a conversation out of someone, no worry about that with Tayler.
As always happens when I don't see a girl for a few years, I am a little surprised that as seniors, they really are women, not little girls anymore. I was impressed that Tayler worked so hard at getting in college classes and really making every bit of that opportunity count. She will be entering University of Arkansas - Fort Smith in the fall with college credits already toward her degree in Business Administration. She will also be serving our country - she enlisted into the Army National Gaurd, was sworn in on October 13th and will be spending her summer at Basic Training at Ft. Lenarwood, Missouri.
As I mentioned, I also photographed Megan, Tayler's older sister that is a huge inspiration for her. Tayler said " She is a great mother, a student at UAFS, and works full time at Yeager's. I can't imagine show she does it all."
For Tayler, Mrs. Blackmon has been "that" inspiring teacher that will go out of her way to help anyone. I think Tayler has learned from that too. I asked her if she could take a trip to anywhere, where would that be? She immediately included her friends Jackie Gray, Andrea Mefford, Abby Bryant, and Tiffany Austin to go to Italy with her to see the beautiful landscapes and get a feel for the whole Tuscan way of life.
Tayler was crowned Miss. Westside High School, which added to the excitement of these last few months of her senior year.