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Friday, February 21, 2014

Fairies and Fisherman extended....due to FIRE

We're on FIRE....

Well,  we were and not in a good way.  As embarrassing as this is to confess, this morning, I thought I would burn a small pile of brush. I had some time in between Fairy sessions and I checked the wind and it seemed okay... so I started the fire. Then my husband told me  he thought there was a burn ban, so I went to check and see if that was true, when he came running in yelling that the field was on fire. (umm yea, it was true). 30 minutes later the fire trucks were leaving... THANK YOU Knoxville Fire Department!  Ironically we had a message on our home answering machine that we never check telling us there was a burn ban starting this morning.
Now I smell like smoke and am terribly embarrassed and had to cancel my afternoon Fairies - I need to be ready to play, not cry. But I am ok, only thing that got burned is grass, and I am extremely grateful that it was not more serious - just a little injury to my pride.
For this reason we are extending Enchanted Fairies to next Saturday also, and I have some appointments open. 


Enchanted Fairies and Little Fishermen

479-885-3835 for appointments


Every year, Hardgrave Photography turns into a magical fairyland with butterflies and fairies flying all around. We have the costumes, hair pieces, and imagination to let your little girl have a wonderful time, while creating priceless portraits you will treasure forever. Session fee is only $30 and portrait collections (including art work) start at $99.

Overalls and Fishing hats are perfect for this little boy set!  Let you little guy come play and us his imagination while we create sweet timeless portraits.
 Session fee is only $15 and portrait collections start at $99

If you have a boy and girl, you can do both for a session fee of $30, no second session fee.
The sets are very similar and easy for me to modify between the boys and girls.



Delta School of Professional Photography

Delta School is next week so I will in Hot Springs most of the week. The phone will be forwarded, so you can still contact me and Sharon will be in the office Tuesday and Thursday from 2-6 for picking up photos and making orders.

I  have had the honor of being the director of Delta School of Professional Photography for the past two years. Delta School is part of Arkansas Professional Photographers Association and is a week long school with speakers from across the country helping professionals improve their craft by teaching classes in lighting, posing, processing, Photoshop, business, and client relations. There are classes to help photographers that strive to be true professionals, not just "someone with a good camera". 


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