We stopped at Pira's, an import grocery store where American foods can be found. We spoke with the shop owner and he was saying that to own a store like Kroger is his dream, with rows and rows of products - his store had two rows. He carried lot of the brand name foods we have here though. A box of cake mix was about $7, and a bottle of Absolute Vodka was only about $20. We bought neither, but saltine crackers were on our list. Talia's malarial prevention treatment of doxycycline was making her queasy. I think there has to be better treatments that I will look into next time. We stopped at a carvers right outside the import store and got two little girraffs.
Then onto the market. Spices piled up, rice, beans, fruits, onions, potatoes, pineapples, everything in little stalls. It reminded me of the old flea market stalls, like on the way to Hot Springs. Vendors came up to us asking for us to buy from their stalls. Kids also worked to get us into their family's shopt, but not as young as I have seen in other places. Dena maneuvered us through the allies and shops to find all the things we went there for. We asked a couple of vendors if we could photograph their space, they were reluctant, but agreed as long as they were not included in the photo. We kept the camera out and just shot what was allowed. It is a little odd being a photographer, but yet wanting to make sure you are not culturally offensive, nor leaving behind a bad association that will damage the missionary work and relationships that are being built. The photographer side of me wanted to capture those exotic faces and expressions. I wanted to be able to portray in photos everything my eyes were seeing. But, as I learned over and over again, it really was not about ME and my wants. Don't get me wrong, it was a great lesson that we all need from time to time, and This was not a tourist at the zoo trip. These are real people that need and deserve respect of their wishes. I am pretty sure if someone that looked really different, acted odd, and pointed a camera at me, even when I asked them not to, I would feel pretty violated. I had plenty of opportunities later to photograph people who did want to be photographed.
But more about that later.
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